Time Cat

Time Cat by Lloyd Alexander

Genre: Juvenile Fiction/Classic

12/Clearly not 40 THE GREAT READING BINGE OF 2016

Just Because Book


“Where do you think cats go when you are looking all over and can’t find them?…And have you ever noticed a cat suddenly appear in a room when you were sure the room was empty? Or disappear and you can’t imagine where he went?”

This was a fun and delightful quick read. It follows after Jason and Gareth, a beautiful black cat with a strange white marking upon his chest. Apparently cats don’t have 9 lives, but they can’t visit 9 points in time. Jason and Gareth take off on an adventure through different points in history and shows different civilizations the importance of cats.

I loved this book and thought it captured the mannerisms of cats perfectly. It was also a good rendition of brief history for young readers. From Egypt to Ireland, you meet a cast of famous historical figures.

I highly recommend this to any cat lover. 🙂 (and I always knew cats had a built in Tardis!!)

“What civilization would be complete without a cat? What greater blessing to the home than a kindly watchful eye of this tiger of the fireside?”


Goodnight Tweetheart

Goodnight Tweetheart by Teresa Medeiros


Genre: Chicklit


She supposed this was what came of pouring your heart out to a total stranger. Mooning over old photos, while listening to the lonely wails of a saxaphone, two cats your only company


Finding love in 140 characters or less. Down and out Oprah Book Club author Abbey is lonely. She’s stuck on her second book. And is close to becoming a reclusive crazy cat lady. Her publisher signs her up for Twitter and asks her to reach out to her readers. So, armed with her coffee stained sweats and Buffy the Mouse Slayer and Willow Tum-Tum, she starts to tweet. And meets someone. The story unfolds, and filled with wit and humor, it sums up what social media is capable of to love someone you’ve never met.

I LOVED this book. It was hilarious, filled with witty banter and I found myself laughing out loud throughout the whole thing. I saw alot of myself in Abbey and how social media can affect someone. Also tons of pop culture references which pleased my inner nerd.

I read it in one sitting and highly recommend it to everyone who wants a simple love story. If your a cat lady READ IT. Keep in mind that it basically a printed out Twitter convo.

A: I like to think of it as one of the places I keep myself. That way I never lose myself.
M: What if you can’t remember where you were you lost yourself? What if it’s to late to go back and look?
A: It’s never too late. As Cicero said ‘As long as there’s life, there’s hope.
M: I thought that was John Lennon. But either way, they’re both dead aren’t they?
A: Maybe they were both wrong. Maybe hope never dies not even when we do.
